“Brine Generation and Management”
Recently our project partner Isle Utilities hosted the first LIFE Waste2Coag webinar! The webinar was held online on the 11th July 2023 and reached a variety of industry professionals looking to understand the ongoing work and research involved in the LIFE Waste2Coag project.
The event was a great success, with presentations from Dimitris Xevgenos from TU Delft, Loic Charpentier from Water Europe and Feliu Sempere Nacher, our project coordinator, from Global Omnium.
The event focused on bring generation and management with Dimitris presenting the technical and commercial drivers for brine valorisation. Within this presentation Dimitris covered where brines originate from and what can be recovered from them, as well as the different technical approaches to brine valorisation and finally, the economic drivers for it.
Additionally, Loic presented the latest updates on regulation and policy surrounding brine management. He covered the regulatory situation of brine discharge and management, the main drivers for a review of future regulations and the brine management options favoured from a policy points of view, both now and in the future.
Finally, our project coordinator Feliu Sempere Nacher presented the valorisation of brines into coagulants, including the context, background and the LIFE Waste2Coag solution. He spoke about the importance of a project like LIFE Waste2Coag and specifically the problems that the project aims to solve.
This is the first in a three part project webinar series, two more webinars will be held over the project’s lifespan covering the following topics:
- Scrap metal generation (Feb 2024, TBC)
- Use of coagulants (SEP 2024, TBC).
If you missed our first webinar or wish to share the experience with your colleagues, you can watch the full episode below.